The Boy Next Door Page 7
“A little of everything. I love painting people. Not portraits, but people in everyday situations. On the street, on the beach, walking, you know?”
He nodded. “I’d love to see your work. If that’s okay?”
“Sure, I’m having my pieces shipped here and I’m working on some new ones. I’m sure since you’re a golf buddy of Dad’s I’ll see you again. I’ll let you know when there’s something to see.”
“Darcy just moved back from Chicago. She’s going to teach at one of the community colleges and just rented a little apartment near there.” Her mother continued selling her like a doll or something.
“Have you taught before? Do you like it?” Stuart leaned toward her.
The man did seem interested in her. Too bad he didn’t do anything for her. She knew then how serious it was with Mac. Damn it all, she had fallen in love with him! Here was a perfectly nice man who seemed to be genuinely interested, and she didn’t feel a damned thing, not even one tiny spark. Well, shit.
“I taught in grad school and for a while afterwards ‘til I started selling my stuff. I’m really excited about going back to it. It was something I enjoyed, something I missed.”
“I’m glad. And you found a place near the school?”
Darcy glanced at her mother who was practically clapping her hands at the conversation. Another narrow look was sent that way before she answered, “Yeah, within walking distance. I just signed the lease and move in the beginning next month.”
“She’s staying here until then. I am worried about her though.” Mom heaved a big sigh. “When Fred and I are on our cruise next week, Darcy’s going to be here all alone. Poor thing. I wish someone were around to look in on her.
“Mom!” Darcy jumped up. Enough was enough! God, the woman made it out as though she was some puppy that needed feeding and pottying, for crying out loud. “Will you cool it?”
Her mother’s hand fluttered at her chest, her mouth a surprised “O”. Like she wondered why Darcy would be upset. She probably thought her daughter should be grateful to have Mommy looking out for her.
She turned to her father and Stuart—both looked at her with wide eyes. Darcy took a deep breath before speaking. “I’m sorry, Stuart. You seem to have caught us in a little family battle. Mom, here, thinks I’m a child who needs looking after. This certainly isn’t the case, and she needs to get that through her head, so I apologize again. Have fun golfing. Hope to see you soon.” She stalked out of the room, grabbed her bag from the top of the stairs and headed out the door.
She just made it to her car when Stuart called her name. Turning she watched him jog toward her. Okay, he made the dorky pants look almost cute.
“Darcy, I don’t know exactly what happened in there. I’m thinking I was the cause of some tension with you and your mother.” His full lips turned into a frown.
With a sigh, she reached over and patted his arm. “It has nothing to do with you, at least not directly. I’m afraid that you got swept up into Mom’s little matchmaking schemes. I’m really sorry.”
“Well, I don’t know what your mom was up to, but I really like you, Darcy. I’d like to see you again. Would you be interested in dinner sometime?”
Her heart ached. Here was this nice guy, and she couldn’t go out with him. Well, she could, but that went against her grain. She wouldn’t lead him on and have him thinking there was a possibility of something when there wasn’t.
“Stuart, I like you, too. Really, but I’m kind of involved with someone, and it wouldn’t be fair to you. I’m sorry.”
“Your mother said… Ah, she doesn’t know about this man. That explains a lot.” He heaved a sigh. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I understand. Thanks for being honest.”
Darcy didn’t know what to say. Urgh, she was going to kill her mother! Damn her for putting her in this position. “It’s really nice to meet you. I hope it isn’t awkward for you to come around here again. I’d love to see you again.”
“Oh, I’ll be around. Your dad and I golf once a week or so, and I still need to see your paintings.”
God, he had a nice smile. Damn. Oh well, he’d be a pal to say hi to every now and again. “You bet. I’ll let you know when they make it here. It was really nice to meet you, and I feel like I should apologize again for all this.”
Stuart waved a hand, brushing it away. “Don’t give it another thought. Your dad has my number. I’ll talk to you soon.” He ran a hand down her arm and jogged back to the house.
Darcy watched him duck inside, and her anger intensified. Her mother needed a talking to, that was for sure. Shaking it off, she got in her car and headed for the beach.
Mac walked into his apartment and threw the keys on the table. The project was finally done. It felt good, definitely a cause for celebration. This had occupied his time for months.
He’d taken the next week off. Darcy’s parents would be out of town on their cruise, so he would have Darcy all to himself. It may take that long or longer to woo her into more of a commitment. Damn her for wanting to keep things secret with their relationship. This teenage crap didn’t do anything for him. He was sick of being set up by his parents, by his aunts, by friends.
It’d always been Darcy for him. It had taken her getting engaged to the creep for Mac to realize the extent of his feelings, and then he couldn’t do anything. She had looked and sounded happy. So interfering, though he wanted to, had not been an option. He loved her too damn much.
Not that he was a saint or martyr. Those years hadn’t been without women and sex. Hell, he had both and enjoyed it. His thought was he would marry and have a family and just forget her. After all, she lived in Chicago, rarely came home. Ha, what a joke. He compared everyone to her. Once, he’d found a woman he enjoyed and felt comfortable with, but she’d known his whole heart wasn’t into it and wouldn’t accept that. Good for her. He hoped she found someone else.
Now he just had to make Darcy see they were meant for each other. He knew her better than anyone, could read her moods and gestures. The same was true for her. She knew his every mood.
He grabbed the phone and dialed her at home. After several rings, her mother answered.
“Hi, Aunt Marie, is Darcy around?” He wandered into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“Oh, she’s at the beach. I think she planned to sketch a bit, so she’ll be gone for a while. I’m sorry, hon, I don’t remember which beach it was.”
“That’s okay. I’ll see ya tomorrow, Auntie.” He hung up quickly before she could start questioning him on one thing or another.
He knew the beach she’d be at if she was sketching. They’d gone there often to people watch. He’d check it out.
A quick change of clothes and short drive later, he stood on the edge of the sand and searched for her. Not a huge crowd milled the beach, given it was a Thursday morning. Moms with kids ran and waded. Teenagers either worshipped the sun or pushed each other off the platform anchored in deeper water.
He found her on the shady grass that skirted the beach. She sat on a large towel and leaned against a tree, sketchbook and pencil in hand.
Long strides ate up the distance between them until he stood beside her. Oblivious to anything but the page in front of her, she continued drawing. He tilted his head to see and almost chuckled. She was drawing him—drawing him nude as a matter of fact. He narrowed his eyes critically at the page.
She had him sleeping, sprawled on a large bed. It was a pretty good likeness, all in all. Though the sight of all his assets in plain view was a tad disconcerting.
Darcy relaxed her arms and rolled her shoulders. Tilting her neck in a stretch, she let out a startled cry when she saw him.
“Damn it, Mac, what are you doing here?” She set the pad and pencil on the towel beside her.
“I’m off until the week after next.” His heart and groin expanded when her eyes lit up. He nudged her hip with his foot. “Skooc
h up.”
She wiggled forward, allowing him to place a foot on either side of her. He lowered himself until he sat behind her against the tree.
“Now skooch on back.”
She moved until her ass pressed against his fly, her back against his chest. He bit back a groan and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Go on. Keep drawing.”
Turning her head, she shot him a puzzled look. “Are you sure?”
“Yep, I like to watch you work.”
He watched her hands, small and slender, add little details to the drawing. Her slim fingers held the thin pencil, welding it quickly over the paper. The motion stopped only when she used the pads of her fingers to blend and blur lines on the page.
The movement was strangely erotic, a caress on the page. He could feel those fingers on him, on his cock, caressing the smooth skin until he nearly came. He shifted, inadvertently grinding his rock hard cock against the soft flesh of her ass. Her head whipped around, wide eyes seeking his. He smiled apologetically and nodded back to her pad. A confused look marred her face before she turned back.
God, he wanted her. He wanted to take her now.
He cleared his throat and trailed his fingers down the smooth side of her neck. “I think you were a bit generous with certain parts of my anatomy there.”
“I disagree.” She pushed her ass back against him and shot a saucy look over her shoulder. “I made a point to keep this true to life.”
Oh, she’d pay for that one. He ran a hand up under her shirt, over her smooth belly to cup her breast. Her gasp pressed the soft mound into his hand. He leaned forward, kissed the tender spot just below her ear.
He ran his thumb over her nipple, feeling the hardened crown beneath the silk of her bra. Desperate to touch it without a barrier, he ran his fingers along the edge. He nearly said a prayer of thanks when he found the clasp nestled between her sweet breasts. After a moment of fumbling, he succeeded in unhooking it.
She glanced over her shoulder again, her green eyes hazy with emotion. The tip of her pink tongue darting out to moisten her lips was all the encouragement he needed to continue. He trailed his other hand up her shirt, so he could cup both breasts. Rolling the tight tips between his fingers, he delighted in the feel of her.
“So,” he drawled, “why am I alone in this drawing? Where are you?”
With a ragged sigh, she leaned back into him, curling her knees up and positioning the sketch pad to effectively shield his actions from any passers-by. He rubbed his cheek against her silky hair, surrounding himself in the soft strawberry scent.
“Uh,” she stammered, arching her back, pressing her breasts further into his touch. “I don’t like drawing myself. Not too sexy. Rather draw others.” A small moan shuddered through her as he tugged slightly on her rigid nipples.
“Not sexy?” He ran one hand down her quivering belly to cup her mound between her legs. “A drawing of us together, Darc, I can’t think of anything sexier.”
She shifted her hips, simultaneously rubbing her sweet ass against his cock and her pussy against his hand. “Mac,” she sighed. “Let’s go to your place.”
He ignored her suggestion and kept talking and caressing her through her shorts. “I think you should be riding my cock. My hands would be on your breasts as your pussy squeezes me. God, if you could capture the look on your face when you come, baby. That would be sexy as hell. I dream of that look, Darc. Every fucking night.”
“Oh God.”
Her breaths came out in soft gasps. Mac smiled into her soft tresses. She was close to coming. Just a bit more. He added more pressure to his caress. His cock throbbed against her as the heat from her arousal bathed his hand. He closed his eyes and focused on her pleasure.
“Or maybe you should be laying on the bed. My head between your thighs, tasting you. You’re so sweet and delectable. I love the taste of you. Your hands would be in my hair. Mine would be on your ass, lifting you. I think that would show how much I want you, don’t you? Will you draw that for me, Darc? Draw my desire, my wants.”
Her body tightened, every muscle tensed. Her thighs clamped hard around his hand and her head fell back against his shoulder. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip as she moaned soft and low, the orgasm riding through her body. She shook with it. Gradually, her body relaxed and sagged back against him.
His hands trembled with need as he refastened her bra between her breasts.
“My place?” The fact his voice came out in a growl didn’t shock him. If he got any harder, he’d throw her on the blanket and take her like an animal, to hell with who was around.
She nodded.
“Hurry. I need you, Darc.”
Chapter Eight
She needed him so much.
Darcy could only hold on to that thought. She ached with need. Good lord, he’d brought her to orgasm with a few caresses and words. Oh God, the words. She never thought talking could turn her on so much. But, damn, he knew just what to say. Neither of them had spoken during the short ride to Mac’s apartment, but the air between them had vibrated with desire, with need. Her pussy, already soaked and throbbing, ached for him again. And those looks. His darkened gray eyes had sought hers often. The storm of want clouding them had nearly set her off again.
Now they were at his apartment. She struggled not to fidget as Mac unlocked the door. He pushed it open and offered his hand. With a smile, she took it and allowed him to lead her into the small apartment.
He shut the door and shoved her back against it, his mouth claiming hers immediately. Her bag slipped from her fingers and landed with a thud. He released her hand and ran his down to grip her hips. Tilting them, he ground his erection against her pussy. Spears of heat ignited, shooting into her belly.
She gasped and clutched at his shoulders as she returned the kiss. His tongue invaded the warm confines of her mouth to duel with hers—a fierce, heated dance. His hand moved from her hip down her outer thigh. He slid it around to the sensitive inner thigh and up to cup her between her legs, to capture her desire.
“God, I can feel how hot you are through your clothes.” His words caressed her lips, her cheeks as he trailed his mouth across her face down to her neck.
Her hands fisted in his hair, and she hooked a leg around his, opening her up more for his hand.
“For you, Mac. Hot for you.” She couldn’t even form a coherent sentence, for crying out loud.
Mac didn’t seem to care, though. He growled low in his throat and nipped her gently along her collarbone. His tongue followed, gliding over the delicate skin. He pressed his palm against her drenched sex, rubbing small, mind-blowing circles.
Her head fell back, banging against the door. She barely noticed. His hands and mouth caused her body to shiver with need, to vibrate with longing. She needed him now. Letting go of his hair, she ran her hands down to tug off his shirt, only to get it tangled and bunched under his arms. With a groan, he pulled away to help her in the task and took the time to free her from her shirt as well.
She sighed with pleasure as her hands smoothed over the warm skin of his back. He felt so good, so right. Stroking the taut muscles, she leaned forward and ran her tongue around a flat brown nipple. Encouraged by his quick intake of breath, she did the same to the other, ending the caress with a light scrape of her teeth.
Darcy glanced up at him through her lashes at the curt order. Oh my, she thought at the sight of his tousled hair, full lips and desire-laden eyes. “Yes, sir.”
An eyebrow lifted, a response to her cheekiness she assumed. With a wink, she pulled away from him and began to walk toward the bedroom. Smack. She jumped as his hand connected with her ass and she whirled around in surprise. A grin kissed his lips, and he wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“Move it, Darc.”
“Oooh, you gonna get rough with me, big boy?” She fluttered her eyes at him and started for the bedroom again, making sure to add an extra sway to her hips.
Anticipation and excitement curled in her belly. What would he do?
His hand encircled her elbow and he yanked her back against him. Her back slammed against his chest. His mouth nuzzled her neck, teeth sinking in deliciously.
“Now—” The phone rang. “Damn.”
Darcy couldn’t hold back her giggles. He bit her neck again, following it with a kiss, a swirl of tongue.
“Go on into the bedroom. I’ll get rid of whoever it is.” He strode to grab the phone off the counter. “Hello? Oh, hi, Mom.”
Knowing he could be a while, Darcy went into the bedroom, crawled onto the bed and rested her head on the pillow. His spicy scent surrounded her. She inhaled deeply and stretched her arms over her head with a sigh. Hearing Mac’s low voice in the other room soothed her. She’d been edgy all day, angry with her mother for her matchmaking. The beach and sketching had smoothed some of it over, but most had lingered until Mac came. God, he had such a hold over her. What’s worse was she liked it. She looked forward to being with him, talking to him, loving him.
Her eyes slid shut and she allowed herself to float in hazy sleepiness. Mac would be with her in a moment, she was sure, and they’d pick up where they left off. Or, heck, starting all over again would be just fine.
Next thing she knew blues music filled the room. She dragged her eyes open. Had she fallen asleep? Trying to pull her hand down to rub her eyes, she filled with panic when her arms failed to move. Twisting her head, she looked up and gasped. Her hands, bound together with a silk tie, were secured to the center slat of Mac’s headboard. What was going on here? Where was Mac?
As if her thoughts conjured him, he walked into the bedroom. Her eyes devoured him from his muscular legs beneath his shorts, his bare chest, up to his smug grin.
“Untie me, Mac.” She nearly cringed at the breathlessness of her voice.
He took a sip from the wineglass he held and tilted his head to study her. “Hmmm, no.”
“No? What the hell do you mean, no?”
He stepped across the room to stand beside the bed. Setting the glass on the bedside table, he lowered himself to sit next to her. He slipped a hand under her head and ran his fingers through her hair, spreading it over the pillow. “Do you trust me, Darc?”